7 Essential Items You Must Pack For Your Bali Villas Holiday

Although a holiday to Bali, whereby you stay in one of the many Bali villas which are available for rent, is somewhat different from the norm, there are still many aspects of that holiday that will be identical to other holidays. One of those is the list of items that you should take with you to the extent that they should be regarded as essential.

We dare say you can think of many of them, however, if you are unsure, or if this is your first overseas holiday for some time and you are struggling to recall what you took last time, we are going to assist you. Below, we have outlined seven of the items which almost everyone will need with them on a holiday to Bali, or indeed any other holiday destination.

Travel Documents

The travel documents we are referring to will include your passport and holiday visa which will allow you to enter Bali. In addition to these, you should also ensure that you have details of your Bali villa booking, your travel insurance, and a record of any vaccinations you have had. As well as the physical documents, we recommend you also store digital copies on your mobile or tablet.

The Essential First-Time Bali Villa Holiday Guide

The Essential First-Time Bali Villa Holiday Guide

Many holidaymakers, when holidaying in Bali for the first time, choose Bali villas as their accommodation, and lots of them do so because they believe it will give them the maximum flexibility on their holiday and it may seem more like home from home than staying in a hotel. For example, in Bali villas, not having to get up at certain times for breakfast, and being able to have whatever you want for breakfast, can be extremely appealing.

It also has to be noted that on your first trip to Bali, and whilst staying in a Bali villa, you will notice there are many differences from home, and the more you are aware of these local differences, the better your holiday will be. So, here is our short guide to your first holiday in a Bali villa.

Best Time to Visit Bali

Bali has a tropical climate so there will be no need to pack cardigans, scarves, and gloves. However, it does have both a dry and rainy season, with the latter being between October and April, so our advice is to go to Bali between May and September if you do not wish to pack your umbrella.

Surprising New Potential Botox Benefits

Surprising New Potential Botox Benefits

For a number of years, we’ve praised Botox for allowing us to keep our youthful glow. This cosmetic injectable smooths out wrinkles and fine lines and lasts upwards of three months. It’s also a straightforward and painless procedure.

In recent years, we’ve also come to learn its value with migraines, muscle spasms, overactive bladder, and even excessive sweating. However, the latest research suggests it might be capable of much more.

Targeting Different Proteins

Harvard University and Broad Institute researchers have discovered that they can evolve the Botox toxin in a laboratory to target different proteins.

By creating selective proteins called proteases, they may be able to help with growth hormone regulation, neuroregeneration, and rampant inflammation reduction. These proteases could also assist with cytokine storm, which is a life-threatening immune response.

4 Local Dishes You Must Try When You Visit Bali

4 Local Dishes You Must Try When You Visit Bali

One thing which unites just about everyone who visits a different country is the desire to try the local cuisine. That desire is likely to be even higher when the destination is Bali, given that it has a wonderful array of tantalising dishes of all kinds. Some of you might prefer to simply turn up and eat whatever the restaurant you are in recommends, but for others who like to plan ahead, here are some traditional dishes you can expect to find in Bali, which we urge you to try.

#1 Jimbaran Seafood

Right away we are cheating somewhat as Jimbaran seafood is not actually a specific Bali dish, but it represents some of the most sought after foods anywhere on the island. By visiting the village of Jimbaran you will discover an array of restaurants that stretch along the beachfront. Just as diverse is the choice of seafood available with the more popular including calamari, crabs, clams, shrimp, and lobster. although there are many more you can choose from.

You can either choose from a set dish from the menu or simply select the weight of the various seafood types you wish to have cooked for you. Everything is cooked fresh, and as if that was not enough, the prices are remarkably low.


Jimbaran Bay

One of the things that people enjoy most in Jimbaran is watching the sun rise and set. The sunset and sunrise at Jimbaran Bay is very special indeed because the air is so very clear. Visitors to Jimbaran always take home amazing memories of watching the sunrises and sunsets with their loved ones. There are many things to do in Jimbaran, of course. Watching the beauty of the sun rising and setting is just one thing you will enjoy with your special someone or with your family when you stay in a Bali villa in Jimbaran. There is also amazing nightlife for the young at heart and great seafood restaurants for people who love trying new foods.

A lot of people who come and stay in a Bali villa in Jimbaran do so in part so that they can try all the amazing seafood that the island has to offer. There are many local restaurants and restaurants associated with hotels that offer all types of delicious foods. Many well respected chefs work in Jimbaran and offer up all types of foods including Italian, French, Chinese, Japanese and much more.


Baby Dies After Thrown from a Moving Car in Bali

A two-month-old baby girl, Arya Rose, has died after her mother, Nicole Stasio, 32, threw her out of a moving car in Bali. Nicole then jumped from the vehicle herself in an attempt to end her life.

The incident took place at a junction in Denpasar, Bali’s capital city. While Nicole had been staying in Bali, she is from San Francisco in the United States.

South Denpasar police chief Nyoman Wiararajaya said the baby was found less than a mile from the scene, alive, but severely injured. She was taken to Madara hospital in Bali but later died of her injuries. Nicole received treatment at the same hospital, but due to her depressive state, police were not able to interview her straight away.

According to police chief Wiararajaya, Nicole had travelled to Bali while pregnant back in July. She had, to date, fielded off any questions about her baby’s father. While her parents stayed with her in Bali for ten days, they later returned to California. Nicole remained in Bali until she gave birth in September.


Online Advertising for a Business in Bali

If you are considering starting a business, why not start it in another country such as Bali? Bali is an extremely popular tourist destination for Australian holidaymakers, who buy gifts, clothing and food while they are there. And of course, they need accommodation, so a business in any of these areas would surely be successful, especially if you hired an Australian digital agency to design your brand new website and give you advice on web design and SEO.

This would ensure that the website was attractive to and understandable by Australians who were researching for details of the things they could do and the places to see on their Bali holiday. Australian web designers are the best people to create a website to promote an overseas business to Australians, so your business would be in good hands and you would not need to pay very much – if anything – for any other form of advertising, such as professional digital marketing.

Sky High

‘Sky High’ Takes on Another Meaning

Air travel has long been a preferred method of getting from A to B, but while being sky high has its benefits, the cost is not one of them.

A recent increase in the price of domestic airfares to Bali has resulted in a significant local traveller downturn. According to the Tourism Department Chief AA Gede Yuniartha Petra, as told to Kompas.com, tourist traveller numbers are down by at least 12 percent. To put that into perspective, for every 100,000 travellers, 12,000 are choosing not to fly.

While many things can contribute to lower domestic traveller numbers, airfare prices are thought to be the leading cause. Yuniartha said that those who want to visit Bali are choosing an alternate, more affordable transport method to avoid the expensive airfares. However, the airfare prices are not thought to affect those traveling to Bali from overseas.

Bali Cuisines

5 Must-Try Bali Cuisines

If you have gone so far as to book your Bali villas accommodation, flights, and tourist activities, then why not check out the food you’re going to be eating? After all, if you are looking to experience a new culture, you can’t seek out food you eat every day. Instead, you need to eat what the locals do. Here are a few of the many stand-out dishes you will come across and consume in Bali.

Pisang Goreng

If you are a huge banana fan, then you will jump for joy when you find out that Balinese locals are too. After all, you can’t expect not to be when they grow in abundance! When you visit Bali, you will find that many varieties grow in the area, all of which can form a dish known as Pisang Goreng. Pisang Goreng is more of a dessert than a dinner, consisting of fried bananas, honey, flaked coconut, and vanilla ice cream.


Sate is the perfect Balinese snack and one you are bound to enjoy. Sate is chicken, mashed up then combined with an array of delicious and vibrant spices. It is then put on a lemongrass stick and barbecued. While it’s not going to fill you up, it can form part of a meal or as a snack as you make your way around the roadside markets.

Nasi Goreng

While you might be able to get Nasi Goreng at a takeaway restaurant in your neighbourhood, it’s possibly nothing like traditional Nasi Goreng in Bali. After settling into your Bali villas, why not take a trip to a local restaurant and try it out? Nasi Goreng is the same as Mie Goreng but Balinese use fried rice. Normally, it features noodles. Many Balinese eat Nasi Goreng at any time of the day – including for breakfast.

Bali outdoor furniture

What Will You Bring Back from Bali?

Most people enjoy the shopping opportunities in Bali when they go there for a holiday. They stock up on clothes and accessories for themselves and their friends. They may even buy jewellery or small items for their home.  But many people who visit Bali take the opportunity to buy nice Balinese furniture, in particular wicker outdoor furniture.

The only trouble is that it is much too large to bring home with them, which means they have to endure the hassle of going through the importation process themselves. If you have seen some lovely, must-have wicker or boat wood furniture there is no real need to become an importer; you could just visit one of the many furniture stores in Australia that specialise in Balinese alfresco furniture. There you’ll find furniture that is just like what you saw while on holidays.


Advantages of Starting a Business in Bali

If you have gone to Bali on holidays you will surely have fallen in love with this amazing part of the world with it’s warm climate and friendly culture. You might even have thought about starting up a business of some kind in your favourite location, since there are many advantages of doing so. You would need to advertise it online. If so it’s a good idea to have your web design done by an Australian seo company so the web designers can aim it at Australian customers.

Digital agencies from Australia that have some knowledge of Bali will be the best people to get your website up and running. You could even use your website to sell goods from Bali on online as well as selling from your shop, if that is the kind of business you decide on.


Bali and Botox: Do They Mix?

Bali is a wonderful place to go for a holiday with all the amazing sights to see and things to do. There are monkeys and temples in the jungle, amazing beaches, lots of shopping opportunities and the longest waterslides you’ll find anywhere in the world, to name just a few.  But is Bali right for Botox treatment? If you choose an Australian cosmetic surgeon for your Botox, you can be sure they have had the proper training. You can’t always be sure of this when you go to Bali – or Thailand – for treatment.


Find Many Museums in Bali

If you want to immerse yourself in the culture of Bali while you are there, visiting some of the museums will help you to find out about its history. Once you’ve settled down in your Canggu Villa and had a restful night’s sleep you’ll feel ready for anything. Visiting a museum will educate you on the history of Bali and add an interesting spot to the day.

Here are some of the different museums in Bali.


Why Bali is the Place to Go for Drug Rehab

We usually think of Bali as one of the most popular places to go for an overseas holiday because it offers access to a different culture, an exotic location, friendly locals and affordable accommodation and other costs.  But when it comes to drug rehabilitation, Bali as a destination is also becoming a popular trend – often for much the same reasons.


The monthly cost of drug rehab in Australia is totally unacceptable and quite impossible for the ordinary person to afford.  An addict has nowhere else to turn if they want to access the kind of rehabilitation that really works. 


3 of Bali’s Best Restaurants

From fine dining, a chic warung to high tea, the Balinese Cuisine is a haven for foodies.

 Made’s Warung

Coming from humble beginnings this now bustling restaurant originally started as a road side warung or food stall at Kuta back in 1969. Made and her family cooked up traditional Indonesian meals to serve to the locals. Over the years expats and tourists got wind of how good the food was, and gradually over time the warung has now morphed into a foodies hotspot serving up authentic Indonesian coupled with a tad of western, Japanese and Thai influence – you will find everything from guacamole to gado gado.

Location: Jalan Raya Seminyak, Kuta, +62 361 732 130; Jalan Pantai, Kuta, Ph. +62 361 755 297.


Nusa Lembongan the Hidden Bali Getaway Worth Exploring

Bali was once the world’s best-kept vacation secret, but thanks to it becoming more affordable, more and more people are heading to this beautiful getaway. That means it has also become much busier so if you are hoping to find that relaxing, quiet, tranquillity that once encompassed all of Bali, there is some good news – Bali still has such places. One of those places is Nusa Lembongan the hidden Bali getaway worth exploring.

This pristine location has plenty to see and do and some of these are very cool! Simple thatched roof housed scattered along the beach, seaweed farms throughout the area, which are the main economy along with the growing tourism industry. You’ll experience hospitality second to none here, where the locals are ready to help a weary travel with nothing expected in return. Nusa Lembongan is the perfect introduction to the beauty of Bali. The area has quickly become known for the abundance of manta rays in the area and occasionally mola molas.


Lights, Camera, Bali! Video Content For Your Bali Website

We can’t go on living in the stone ages, so we have to face the fact that the web, somewhere along the 2000’s, became more of a visual medium than a text-based medium. So, while good ol’ text is still relevant (being the only thing a search engine can find effectively so far), video shows off your product or service like no other kind of content can.

If you’re maintaining a website about Bali tourism, you’ll want to post a video or two showcasing all that Bali has to offer. But you’re in luck! Bali is one of the most delightful regions in the world to view on video. Your only problem will be in choosing from all the options…or web designers (if you haven’t got one already).

#1 The Beach. Obvious choice here, since Bali is surrounded by one. You want to avoid the overcrowded areas like Kuta Beach or Denpasar. Try one of the less-traveled beaches during the off-season, so the camera can show the unspoiled nature. Catch a fisherman or seaweed farmer in the distance. catch some dolphins jumping out of the water.

Vacation In Bali

Enjoy Your Dream Vacation in Bali

Bali is replete with numerous attractions that bring in tourists from all corners of the globe. One cannot afford to keep off from this amazing Southeast Asia Island. You never have to worry about the security since it is excellent, while the infrastructure is top-notch, and is comparable with what you would get in the West. Moreover, villas and attractions here are much more affordable, which is why more and more people flock here across all seasons.

It’s a normal practice for many people across the world to spend their holiday’s in hotels, since this is the norm. On the other hand, you have a wide variety of private luxury villas in Bali, fully serviced, and offering close proximity to the sea for maximum entertainment including theme parks. In Bali, you will find top of the range condominiums, amazing vacation rentals affordably priced to suit every taste and pocket, while maintaining their luxury status. Additionally, most properties allow you to book your vacation rental or luxury villa via the internet from the comfort your home.


Surfing in Bali

Bali is the home of surfing in Indonesia. This is where surfing first started in this country and till date this remains one of the top surfing destinations. The geographic location and the conscientious efforts by the Indonesian government to promote the island as a tourist destination mean that you probably have the perfect destination to enjoy surfing in Bali.

Surfing Destination
There is a reason why Bali is so popular for surfing and it is the natural gift that this island has. The seas near Bali create the perfect waves that make for ideal surfing. The long waves that curl up perfectly give even the more experienced surfers the thrills of surfing out in the ocean. In fact, the discovery of these fantastic waves in the 1970’s was what put this rustic island on the world map as a good tourist destination. Within a few decades, Bali has grown and evolved into a leading spot for surfing.


Bali – One of the Top Honeymoon Destinations

Brides Magazine chose reputable Virtuoso to decide where the top honeymoon destinations were. Collaborating with the revered travel network, Virtuoso, Brides magazine was able to have access to 7,200 elite travel specialists, questioning each as to where they considered the best destinations for newlywed couples. Brides Magazine took advantage of Virtuoso’s more than 60 years of travel expertise.

Their survey decided that Italy, French Polynesia and Maui were the three top destinations, but wait… because Bali was also listed as a top honeymoon destination. I mean as prestigious as being in the top three might be, you don’t have to be there to be great, and Bali is certainly a place newlywed should consider travelling to for their honeymoon.


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